

The flect framework allows you to create forms with ease.

Defining Your Form Model

To define your form model, you can use Python's Annotated and pydantic's BaseModel and Field. Here's an example:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from flect.form import Input

class FormExampleModel(BaseModel):
    # Use Annotated to define the field
    name: str = Input(placeholder="Enter your username", pattern=r"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", min_items=2, max_items=10)

In this example, we define a name field with a placeholder text "Enter your username". The field accepts alphanumeric characters with a minimum length of 2 and a maximum length of 10.

Using the Form Model

Once you've defined your form model, you can use it in your form like so:

from flect import components as c
from flect import PageResponse

def page() -> PageResponse:
    return PageResponse(

In this example, we create a PageResponse that contains a Container with a single child, a Form that uses the FormExampleModel we defined earlier. The form's submit_url is set to the root ("/").

Adding Server Logic

After defining the form and its model, you can add server logic to handle the form submission. Here's a simple example:

from flect.response import ActionResponse

async def post(form: FormExampleModel) -> ActionResponse:
    # handle the form

In this function, we define an asynchronous function post that accepts a FormExampleModel instance and returns an ActionResponse. You can add your form handling logic within this function.